Martin Aylward

Martin Aylward a commencé à pratiquer et à étudier le dharma à l’âge de 19 ans, passant plusieurs années dans des monastères asiatiques et avec des ermites de l’Himalaya. Enseignant dans le monde entier depuis 1999, Martin a cofondé le Moulin de Chaves, le centre de retraite où il vit et enseigne dans le sud-ouest de la France, l’Institut de formation à la pleine conscience et la communauté de dharma en ligne Sangha Live. Mari et père de famille, il intègre le dharma dans la vie quotidienne avec des programmes tels que Work Sex Money Dharma. Il est auteur de Ne te quitte pas (Les Arènes, 2019) et Tout le monde peut méditer (Les Arènes, 2021)
« Dans Ne Te Quitte Pas, Martin Aylward offre sa profonde sagesse sur la façon dont nous sommes déconnectés et les pratiques intemporelles qui nous ramènent à la présence incarnée. » – Tara Brach, auteur de Radical Acceptance et Radical Compassion


29dec01janNew Year retreat (online) 2024
Event Details
New Year Retreat (online) with Martin Aylward: Gathering, meditating, exploring together (assisted by Milla Gregor) End 2024 in practice and in community. 4 days Zooming in together for meditation, dharma reflexion,
Event Details
New Year Retreat (online) with Martin Aylward: Gathering, meditating, exploring together (assisted by Milla Gregor)
End 2024 in practice and in community.
4 days Zooming in together for meditation, dharma reflexion, and exploration.
Practices will include guided and silent meditation, teachings and reflexions and exploratory dialog exercises with others on the retreat. There will also be some chanting practice and a transitional ritual moment on New Year’s Eve.
Those of you who have been meditating with me at Sangha live in the mornings for these last months will know how much intimacy, support and shared presence can be cultivated when we come together online. Come and join me for these last days of the year, and share your love of the dharma with other like-minded souls.
Martin Aylward began dharma practice and study aged 19, spending several years in Asian monasteries and with Himalayan hermits. Teaching worldwide since 1999, Martin co-founded Moulin de Chaves, the retreat center where he lives and teaches in SW France; the Mindfulness Training Institute and the online dharma community Sangha Live. He is married with two adult children, and integrates dharma into daily life with programs like Work Sex Money Dharma. His latest book is Awake Where You Are (2021).
Milla Gregor collaborates with people dedicated to shifting systems towards social and climate justice. She provides facilitation, evaluation and coaching for charities and individuals, using an embodied and relational approach.
She has practised Buddhist meditation since 2005, and been a student of Martin Aylward since 2016. Other important teachers include Thich Nhat Hanh, Martine Batchelor, Leigh Brasington, Yanai Postelnik and Lama Rod Owens.
Milla offers one to one coaching to support your meditation practice, or to explore the different ways creativity practice and systemic change overlap. If you’re interested in a conversation about embodied coaching sessions, you can contact her here.
She lives in East London and enjoys wild swimming, cycling, running, cooking and finding ways to intervene in the capitalist consumer trance. She aspires to participate in creating more justice, liberation, contentment and joy for all.
Dates and timings:
29 Dec – Meeting at 7.30-9pm UK, 20h30-22h EU (US Times: 11h30-13h PST, 14h30-16h EST)
30 Dec – Meeting 3 times a day at 9.30am, 2.30pm and 6.30pm UK time (10h30., 15h30, 19h30 EU). (US times: 01h30, 06h30, 10h30 PST/ 04h30, 09h30, 13h30 EST)
31 Dec – Meeting 4 times a day at 9.30am, 2.30pm, 6.30pm UK time (10h30., 15h30, 19h30 EU) and 10.30-11.30pm UK (23h30 – 00h30 EU) (US Times: 01h30, 06h30, 10h30 PST/ 04h30, 09h30, 13h30 EST) and (14h30 – 15h30 PST/17h30 – 18h30 EST)
1 Jan – Meeting at 10.30am UK time (11h30 EU) for the closing session (US Times: 02h30 PST/ 05h30 EST)
To calculate your time zone please use the EU time as reference. This is the time that the sessions will be recorded at live. There are many websites that convert time such as Google or
Sessions will be 60-90 minutes long and will be recorded. Recordings will be available to all the attendees for two weeks.
Registration fee:
€120 (€100 plus VAT) plus dana offerings for the teachers. Dana can be paid at the end of the retreat.
Once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email. If you have not received one please check your spam folder and place the address on your safe list.
29/12/2024 8:30 pm - 01/01/2025 1:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
08feb4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
08/02/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
23feb10:00 am1:00 pmNew York InsightHalf-day online retreat
Event Details
Online: How Your Mind Shapes Your World – A Half-day Retreat with Martin Aylward Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | 10:00am – 1:00 pm ET Your mind can be a playground, or a prison.
Event Details
Online: How Your Mind Shapes Your World – A Half-day Retreat with Martin Aylward Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 | 10:00am – 1:00 pm ET
Your mind can be a playground, or a prison. As Buddha reminds us in the first lines of the Dhammapada, an ancient Buddhist scripture, our mind-state directly determines our experience of the world.
This half-day of practice will be all about meeting your mind directly, and understanding how it shapes your beliefs and behaviors. Beyond spiritual clichés about creating your own reality, this day of practice will be something of a magical mystery tour through reality.
With teacher Martin Aylward, you’ll contrast the worldview of scientific materialism with the Buddhist concept of ‘Chittamatra’ (Mind-only), looking beyond both extremes (that things exist, and that things don’t exist!).
Join us for a deep-dive into the ‘Chittasphere’ as the location of all experience. We’ll dissolve inner and outer, we’ll see if we can bend reality a little, and what we can learn about mind, world and existence along the way.
Together, we’ll discover practices of:
– Recognizing and resting in the cittasphere
– Dissolving attention into experience
– Seeing through limited beliefs about mind and world
23/02/2025 10:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
01mar4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
01/03/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
22marAll Day05aprMarcher et méditer sur les chemins sacrés du Japon
Event Details
L’automne arrive et le moulin accueillera bientôt sa dernière retraite de l’année. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui planifient déjà l’année prochaine, je
Event Details
L’automne arrive et le moulin accueillera bientôt sa dernière retraite de l’année. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui planifient déjà l’année prochaine, je voudrais partager avec vous un voyage très spécial que je dirigerai avec Voyages Intérieurs au Japon. Pendant deux semaines, je vous emmènerai dans un voyage contemplatif et transformateur à la rencontre d’un Japon traditionnel et spirituel. Je vous accompagnerai en méditation assise et en marche au milieu de paysages, temples et monastères inspirants. Je m’appuierai sur les enseignements bouddhistes et zen qui ont inspiré ces anciens temples, tout en éclairant leur pertinence dans la vie contemporaine. |
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Nous commencerons notre périple par Koyasan, cité religieuse aux 117 temples et à la forêt nécropole. Son atmosphère est chargée des éléments et rituels du bouddhisme shingon. Le voyage se poursuivra sur le chemin du Kumano Kodo, premier sentier de pèlerinage au Japon, traversant des forêts millénaires pour culminer à la cascade de Nachi. A Kyoto, nous prendrons notre temps pour ressentir cette magnifique ville : 4 jours pour visiter les lieux incontournables dans des conditions privilégiées et exclusives. Ce sera une occasion très spéciale de pratiquer avec moi dans certains des plus beaux lieux spirituels du Japon. Pour plus d’informations sur le voyage, consultez : |
22/03/2025 - 05/04/2025 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
22marAll Day05aprMarcher et méditer sur les chemins sacrés du Japon
Event Details
L’automne arrive et le moulin accueillera bientôt sa dernière retraite de l’année. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui planifient déjà l’année prochaine, je
Event Details
L’automne arrive et le moulin accueillera bientôt sa dernière retraite de l’année. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui planifient déjà l’année prochaine, je voudrais partager avec vous un voyage très spécial que je dirigerai avec Voyages Intérieurs au Japon. Pendant deux semaines, je vous emmènerai dans un voyage contemplatif et transformateur à la rencontre d’un Japon traditionnel et spirituel. Je vous accompagnerai en méditation assise et en marche au milieu de paysages, temples et monastères inspirants. Je m’appuierai sur les enseignements bouddhistes et zen qui ont inspiré ces anciens temples, tout en éclairant leur pertinence dans la vie contemporaine. |
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Nous commencerons notre périple par Koyasan, cité religieuse aux 117 temples et à la forêt nécropole. Son atmosphère est chargée des éléments et rituels du bouddhisme shingon. Le voyage se poursuivra sur le chemin du Kumano Kodo, premier sentier de pèlerinage au Japon, traversant des forêts millénaires pour culminer à la cascade de Nachi. A Kyoto, nous prendrons notre temps pour ressentir cette magnifique ville : 4 jours pour visiter les lieux incontournables dans des conditions privilégiées et exclusives. Ce sera une occasion très spéciale de pratiquer avec moi dans certains des plus beaux lieux spirituels du Japon. Pour plus d’informations sur le voyage, consultez : |
22/03/2025 - 05/04/2025 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
19apr4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
19/04/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
Event Details
Conscience, Réalité et Libération: Un chemin integral de transformation May 4-10 FR Assistante: Christine Kupfer DESCRIPTION: Une semaine de méditation intensive et silencieuse permet de découvrir et de developper votre pratique de
Event Details
Conscience, Réalité et Libération: Un chemin integral de transformation
May 4-10 FR
Assistante: Christine Kupfer
Une semaine de méditation intensive et silencieuse permet de découvrir et de developper votre pratique de manière puissante et focalisée.
Les enseignements et les pratiques de la retraite exploreront la nature de l’esprit, la compréhension et la résolution des schemas mentaux-émotionnels, et la réalisation d’une vie libérée. La retraite est ouverte et adaptée aux débutant.e.s, ainsi qu’aux pratiquant.e.s confirmé.e.s
(La retraite se déroulera en silence. Elle conforme aux critères nécessaires pour celleux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR ou MTI)
€200 + TVA + Dana
En achetant votre billet, pour éviter une surcharge, veuillez être sûr de faire le choix correct et de cocher une case uniquement, sauf si vous achetez pour plusieurs personnes.
Le Dana peut être offert à la fin de la retraite.
Jusqu’à 14 jours avant le debut de l’événement: remboursement -50%
Moins de 7 jours avant le debut de l’événement; aucun remboursement
Si nous annulons l’événement, vous recevrez un remboursement total.
17may4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
17/05/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
31mayAll DayLondon Insight DaylongDaylong retreat
Event Details
In-person: More than Meditation: Ritual, Cosmology and Alchemy at the Heart of Buddha Dharma with Martin Aylward Martin Aylward 31 May 2025 10:00 am – 5:00 pm £15.00 – £50.00 Meditation has
Event Details
In-person: More than Meditation: Ritual, Cosmology and Alchemy at the Heart of Buddha Dharma with Martin Aylward
Martin Aylward
31 May 2025 10:00 am – 5:00 pm £15.00 – £50.00
Meditation has become increasingly popular and accessible, partly through isolating it from its traditional Buddhist context, where meditation is inseparably embedded in a body of teachings, beliefs, rituals and other practices.
In the popularisation and secularisation of meditation, has something essential been lost along the way? What might your practice be missing that meditation alone cannot provide? Might some traditional complements to meditation such as an altar, devotional gestures, chanting and making offerings be in some way vital, and how might you engage with them without the traditional cultural context?
This day of practice and teachings will explore meditation in relation to and with the engagement of these adjunct practices, as we inquire together to distinguish the merely superstitious from the vital and transformative. Oh, and we’ll also meditate together.
31/05/2025 All Day(GMT+00:00)
London Insight
31mayAll DayLondon Insight DaylongDaylong retreat
Event Details
In-person: More than Meditation: Ritual, Cosmology and Alchemy at the Heart of Buddha Dharma with Martin Aylward Martin Aylward 31 May 2025 10:00 am – 5:00 pm £15.00 – £50.00 Meditation has
Event Details
In-person: More than Meditation: Ritual, Cosmology and Alchemy at the Heart of Buddha Dharma with Martin Aylward
Martin Aylward
31 May 2025 10:00 am – 5:00 pm £15.00 – £50.00
Meditation has become increasingly popular and accessible, partly through isolating it from its traditional Buddhist context, where meditation is inseparably embedded in a body of teachings, beliefs, rituals and other practices.
In the popularisation and secularisation of meditation, has something essential been lost along the way? What might your practice be missing that meditation alone cannot provide? Might some traditional complements to meditation such as an altar, devotional gestures, chanting and making offerings be in some way vital, and how might you engage with them without the traditional cultural context?
This day of practice and teachings will explore meditation in relation to and with the engagement of these adjunct practices, as we inquire together to distinguish the merely superstitious from the vital and transformative. Oh, and we’ll also meditate together.
31/05/2025 All Day(GMT+00:00)
London Insight
05jun4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
05/06/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
09junAll Day21BREADTH AND DEPTH: A 13 day retreat for experienced practitionersRESIDENTIAL RETREAT
Event Details
June 9-21 ENG BREADTH AND DEPTH: A 13 day retreat for experienced practitioners DESCRIPTION: 2 weeks for experienced meditators who have already sat silent meditation retreats. We’ll go deeply into dharma
Event Details
June 9-21 ENG
BREADTH AND DEPTH: A 13 day retreat for experienced practitioners
(This retreat conforms to the criteria necessary for Mindfulness Instructors in Training)
Teaching fees: Dana
14julAll Day19Awake Where You Are retreatRESIDENTIAL RETREAT
Event Details
Awake Where You Are Through meditation, embodied movement and inquiry practices To be awake means to be right here, present in the midst of life, something that most of us seldom are.
Event Details
Up to 14 days before the start of the event: refund -50%
Less than 14 days before the start of the event; no refund
If we cancel the event, you will receive a full refund.
21julAll Day27Une libération radicaleRESIDENTIAL RETREAT
Event Details
Une libération radicale July 21-26/27 FR Martin Aylward et Sandrine Rauter DESCRIPTION: Lâcher-prise est au cœur de toute pratique de pleine conscience qui vise la libération radicale d’une vie sans peur, sans
Event Details
Une libération radicale
July 21-26/27 FR
Martin Aylward et Sandrine Rauter
Lâcher-prise est au cœur de toute pratique de pleine conscience qui vise la libération radicale d’une vie sans peur, sans peine et sans problème. Face aux incertitudes de nos vies personnelles, de nos sociétés et de l’écosystème fragile de notre planète, la compréhension et la maîtrise du lâcher-prise sont de plus en plus cruciales. Cette semaine explorera les thèmes de la vie, de la mort, de l’amour, du sens et de la nature d’une vie libre et liberée.
(La retraite se déroulera en silence. Elle conforme aux critères nécessaires pour celleux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR ou MTI)
€200 + TVA + Dana
En achetant votre billet, pour éviter une surcharge, veuillez être sûr de faire le choix correct et de cocher une case uniquement, sauf si vous achetez pour plusieurs personnes.
Le Dana peut être offert à la fin de la retraite.
Jusqu’à 14 jours avant le debut de l’événement: remboursement -50%
Moins de 7 jours avant le debut de l’événement; aucun remboursement
Si nous annulons l’événement, vous recevrez un remboursement total.
Event Details
Earth Below and Sky Above: A Meditation and Qigong Retreat Aug 9-15 ENG Co-teaching with Mimi Kuo-Deemer DESCRIPTION: Qigong is a Chinese energy cultivation practice with Daoist and Buddhist roots, using slow, circular,
Event Details
Earth Below and Sky Above: A Meditation and Qigong Retreat
Aug 9-15 ENG
Co-teaching with Mimi Kuo-Deemer
Qigong is a Chinese energy cultivation practice with Daoist and Buddhist roots, using slow, circular, fluid movements. Practiced with meditation and Dharma teachings, it awakens us to the matrix and flow of life within and around us, cultivating physical spaciousness and ease while deepening our capacity for embodied presence. This retreat, co-led by Martin Aylward and Mimi Kuo-Deemer, will combine movement sessions with silent and guided meditations, teachings on the nature of mind, and meetings with the teachers. Open to all levels and abilities.
(This retreat will be held in silence. It conforms to the criteria necessary for Mindfulness Instructors in Training)
Standard fee – 395 euros
Subsidised fee: 335 euros
Professional fee: 445 euros
03sepAll Day06MTI Yearlong training Module 1, Berkeley, CAModule 1 of Yearlong course
Event Details
The Mindfulness Training Institute offers professional, yearlong teacher training courses, providing experiential learning, in-depth instruction and practical skills to teach with confidence and clarity. Trainees are educated in the scientific
Event Details
The Mindfulness Training Institute offers professional, yearlong teacher training courses, providing experiential learning, in-depth instruction and practical skills to teach with confidence and clarity. Trainees are educated in the scientific research on mindfulness, contemporary teaching forms and the historical Buddhist context.
Co-founded and co-directed by two world-renowned teachers and friends – Mark Coleman and Martin Aylward – MTI trainees will get the opportunity to learn from two teachers who have been studying and teaching the art of mindfulness around the world for decades.
Join our 350+ graduates now teaching Mindfulness to students around the world, in a variety of settings such as healthcare, education, government and the general public.
Bring the practice you love into the life you live, while helping transform the lives of those you teach.
03/09/2025 - 06/09/2025 (All Day)(GMT-08:00)
13sepAll Day14New York Insight Weekend RetreatWeekend retreat
Event Details
Sep 13-14 | ENG | New York Insight, Weekend retreat, NYIMC, USA More info to come
Event Details
Sep 13-14 | ENG | New York Insight, Weekend retreat, NYIMC, USA
More info to come
13/09/2025 - 14/09/2025 (All Day)(GMT-05:00)
New York Insight
19sep(sep 19)2:00 pm21(sep 21)2:00 pmWeekend retreat, The Quadrangle, UKWeekend retreat
Event Details
Sep 19-21 | ENG | Weekend Retreat, The Quadrangle, UK More info to come
Event Details
Sep 19-21 | ENG | Weekend Retreat, The Quadrangle, UK
More info to come
19/09/2025 2:00 pm - 21/09/2025 2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
23sep(sep 23)2:00 pm28(sep 28)2:00 pmTools of Liberation, Gaia House, UK5-night retreat
Event Details
Sep 23-28 | ENG | Silent meditation retreat, Gaia House, UK At the very heart of meditative practice is the radical possiblility of a life transformed beyond imagination – a liberation
Event Details
Sep 23-28 | ENG | Silent meditation retreat, Gaia House, UK
At the very heart of meditative practice is the radical possiblility of a life transformed beyond imagination – a liberation of our heart, our understanding, and our way of meeting life, regardless of circumstance. This retreat will take up and explore the essential components of these practices, inviting us to discover and deepen an experiential freeness which can run through every aspect of our lives.
23/09/2025 2:00 pm - 28/09/2025 2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
04oct4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
04/10/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
Event Details
Ouvert et Libre: Mindfulness, bienveillance et la conscience libérée Oct 13-19 2025 Langue: Français Assistante: Elena Zahariev La pratique de la Mindfulness est surtout orientée vers la libération de la conscience, une compréhension qui
Event Details
Ouvert et Libre: Mindfulness, bienveillance et la conscience libérée
Oct 13-19 2025
Langue: Français
Assistante: Elena Zahariev
La pratique de la Mindfulness est surtout orientée vers la libération de la conscience, une compréhension qui va au-delà du conceptuel, et une profonde guérison des anciens schémas. La conscience libérée est telle qu’elle peut accueillir, explorer et vivre toute expérience sans compulsion, sans contraction, sans confusion. Cette retraite de méditation silencieuse va explorer ces thèmes, en enseignements, en pratique, et en entretiens individuels et en groupes.
(La retraite se déroulera en silence. Elle conforme aux critères nécessaires pour celleux qui suivent une formation d’Instructeur MBSR ou MTI)
200€ + TVA + Dana
En achetant votre billet, pour éviter une surcharge, veuillez être sûr de faire le choix correct et de cocher une case uniquement, sauf si vous achetez pour plusieurs personnes.
Le Dana peut être offert à la fin de la retraite.
Jusqu’à 14 jours avant le debut de l’événement: remboursement -50%
Moins de 7 jours avant le debut de l’événement; aucun remboursement
Si nous annulons l’événement, vous recevrez un remboursement total.
01nov4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
01/11/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
06dec4:00 pm7:00 pmDay of Practice at Sangha LiveOnline
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions
Event Details
The Sangha Live 3-hour Day of Practice sessions are an invitation for you to delve deeper into your practice, develop your meditation skills and Dharma understanding, and reset your intentions through sustained sitting.
Each Day of Practice is oriented around a specific theme or technique – which we will explore in depth through guided contemplation and practice. These sessions include longer periods of meditation interspersed with wise Dharma teachings, mindfulness exercises, and interactive Q&A’s.
Day of Practice is offered on a sliding scale basis; no one is turned away for lack of funds.
06/12/2025 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)
10decAll Day13MTI Yearlong training Module 2, Berkeley, CAModule 2 of Yearlong course
Event Details
The Mindfulness Training Institute offers professional, yearlong teacher training courses, providing experiential learning, in-depth instruction and practical skills to teach with confidence and clarity. Trainees are educated in the scientific
Event Details
The Mindfulness Training Institute offers professional, yearlong teacher training courses, providing experiential learning, in-depth instruction and practical skills to teach with confidence and clarity. Trainees are educated in the scientific research on mindfulness, contemporary teaching forms and the historical Buddhist context.
Co-founded and co-directed by two world-renowned teachers and friends – Mark Coleman and Martin Aylward – MTI trainees will get the opportunity to learn from two teachers who have been studying and teaching the art of mindfulness around the world for decades.
Join our 350+ graduates now teaching Mindfulness to students around the world, in a variety of settings such as healthcare, education, government and the general public.
Bring the practice you love into the life you live, while helping transform the lives of those you teach.
10/12/2025 - 13/12/2025 (All Day)(GMT-08:00)
Rejoignez-moi dans mes dernières retraites de 2023
Nous avons eu un programme d'été très riche ici au Moulin, et ça m’a fait plaisir de voir beaucoup d'entre vous en retraite au cours de ces dernières mois. Mes deux dernières retraites de l'année comprennent une retraite de pratiques intégratives au début du mois...
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En remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous, vous serez inscrit à la newsletter de Martin, vous recevrez des nouvelles sur les retraites et les événements à venir, ET vous recevrez un exemple de chapitre de Réveillez-vous où vous êtes. * indicates required First Name *...
Moulin de Chaves Retraites 2023
Nous sommes ravis de proposer un calendrier complet de retraites cette année. J'enseignerai plusieurs retraites en anglais et en français. Les réservations pour les retraites débutent le 23 janvier, mais vous pouvez consulter le calendrier complet, y compris toutes...
S’inscrire à la lettre d’information de Martin pour être informé des retraites à venir, des événements et d’autres nouvelles.