Summer at the Moulin/L’été au Moulin
LATEST NEWS, 24/05/2024

Summer has arrived at the Moulin and we are delighted to be sitting with friends new and old. There are still a few places left on some of the retreats. I hope you can join us.

L’été est arrivé au Moulin et nous sommes ravis d’être assis avec des amis nouveaux et anciens. Il reste encore quelques places sur certaines retraites. J’espère que tu peux nous rejoindre.

15 – 20 July
Awakening in Stillness and Movement: Meditation and Yoga Retreat
With Gail Aylward and Martin Aylward
Language: English

For booking and more information see:

22 – 27 July
Ouvert et Libre: Mindfulness, bienveillance et la conscience libérée

Avec Martin Aylward et Sandrine Rauter
Langue: French

For booking and more information see:

12 – 17 August
Freeing body, heart and mind: A Meditation and Breathwork retreat

With Martin Aylward and Alsu Kashapova
Language: English

For booking and more information see: